Selling online made easy with user-friendly product catelogues, easy to use shopping carts, hassle-free & secured payment options with our best-of-the-industry E-commerce website package. This package suits everyone who wants to sell their products/services online with no technical knowledge. Features include:
Above all, you will get expert guidance and valuable suggestions in domain registraion, hosting, promoting, using Google Analytics, selecting meta keywords etc.
- Unique website design, custom made for your business – iterations till you satisfy 110%
- A flash movie on home page to give a distinct uniqueness to your website and demonstrate your business in attractive way
- Unique Logo design, custom made for your business
- Complete HTML website of up to 10 pages, with high quality standards
- Excellent navigation menus using advanced Java Script
- Shopping Cart with unlimited categories, sub-categories, products.
- Payment Gateway integration of your choice.
- Database creation and complete programming for database driven part
- Content management system (CMS)
- One contact/feedback form
- Highly creative, innovative, unique, tailored made and consistent with your brand identity
- Search engine submision to 40+ search engines on the internet
- Visitor tracking with Google Analytics
- Turn-around time – 7-8 weeks
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